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Online Training

Live Online Training

The Department of Transportation requires that a hazmat employee be trained on the transportation of hazardous materials within 90 days of employment in that position. Because of this, our clients have requested live online training. Live online training was requested so the instructor may answer questions as they arise and it does not require the expense of travel. The prerequisites for the students are: a computer with Internet access and access to the regulations during the training.

While special classes may be requested by persons or corporations requiring training, Hawks Logistics, inc tries to offer classes on domestic transportation (49 CFR), the International Maritime Dangerous Goods Code (IMDG), the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) and Recurrent training at least once each week.

Live Online

Map of Live Online Training

To accommodate our clients on both coasts, we provide a morning training session for East Coast locations in an afternoon session for West Coast locations. The morning session begins at zero 800 and is at 1200 CST. The afternoon sessions began at 1400 and in at 1800 CST.

Domestic transportation is taught on Mondays and Tuesdays. Both days are required to complete this training. The Air (ICAO) class is taught on Wednesday; the IMDG on Thursday; and Friday the Recurrent classes are taught.

Live online classes may be requested at other times, however, the pricing may differ.


Class Date Cost Deadline for Enrollment
Domestic Transportation (49 CFR) 12/2 – 12/3 or 1/6 – 1/7 $225.00 11/22 or 12/27
Air Transportation (ICAO) 12/4 or 1/8 $125.00 11/22 or 12/27
Ocean Transportation (IMDG) 12/5 or 1/9 $125.00 11/22 or 12/27
Recurrent Transportation 12/6 or 1/10 $125.00 11/22 or 12/27

To register for the class simply fill out the registration form. Once you have registered for the class, you will receive an invoice for the training and an invitation to attend the training session.

Enrolling on or before the deadline date is important so that materials may be mailed in time to have them available for the class. There is a $30 penalty for the withdrawing from the class after the “enroll by” date. This is to cover the printing and mailing of materials.

If you have any questions please contact: (844) 295 – 1817


Once you have registered for the class, you will receive an invoice for the training in an invitation to attend the training session.

For any questions or comments, you can also call (844) 295-1817 or (405) 203-5689. Any suggestions or feedback would be helpful.